Seerat un Nabi Course Complete

Seerat un Nabi

Seerat un Nabi Course

This post will share the Seerat un Nabi Course by the research team Understand Alquran Academy. In this series, we will share 5 to 6 minutes of video, and then you can find all the text below. We prepare English and Urdu notes for your convenience.

In the end of each lesson of Seerat un nabi, we give you a Google form test. Please do this easy test to remember everything about your lesson. And don’t forget to share your marks in the comments section.

Seerat un Nabi Introduction

Seerat un Nabi is the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It contains all the events of his life as a leader, a trainer, and a manual to humanity.

Early life

Muhammad was born around 570 CE in Mecca in Banu Hashim’s extended family. At a young age, he was raised by his grandfather and later by his uncle. Known for his honesty and integrity, he earned the name “Al-Amin” (The Trusivarthi).


At the age of forty, Muhammad began to obtain revelations from Allah through the Angel Gabriel. These revelations shaped the Quran, which gave the message of monotheism and moral guidance, and urged humans to worship a God and lead a righteous existence


His message confronted severe competition from the Quraish tribe, who saw it as a hazard to his strength and the conventional polytheistic practices of Mecca. Despite harassment, Muhammad remained solid in his venture.

Migration (hijrah)

In 622 CE, going through growing enmity, he and his followers migrated to Medina, marking the onset of the Islamic calendar. This migration was decisive, as it allowed the establishment of an assistant Muslim network.

Network building

In Madina, Muhammad labored to unite numerous tribes below Islam. He established the principles of justice, equality and compassion even as building a society on the idea of mutual respect and cooperation


The Prophet’s teachings continue to encourage thousands of people internationally. His emphasis on compassion, justice, and networking stays relevant today, making him a timeless figure in human history.

Download Seerat un Nabi Complete Course PDFs

You can download Seerat un Nabi videos of 1 to 40 lessons. You can also download pdf of Seerat un Nabi all lessons and at the very end each lesson has a Google test to check what you have learnt in this lesson and it also helps to memorize important events.

Video of lessonDownload PdfGoogle Form Test Link
Lesson no. 1 videoIntroductionRevision Test no. 1
Lesson no. 2 videoWhy we must know SeeratRevision Test no. 2
Lesson no. 3 videoLife before ProphethoodRevision Test no. 3.
Lesson no. 4 video3rd year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 4
Lesson no. 5 video4th year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 5
Lesson no. 6 video5th year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 6
Lesson no. 7 video6th year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 7
Lesson no. 8 video7th, 8th, 9th years of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 8
Lesson no. 9 video10th year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 9
Lesson no. 10 video11th year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 10
Lesson no. 11 video12th year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 11
Lesson no. 12 video13th year of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 12
Lesson no. 13 videoRevision of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 13
Lesson no. 14 videoAnalysis of Makki PeriodRevision Test no. 14
Lesson no. 15 videoSeerah and the Qur’an (Makki Period)Revision Test no. 15
Lesson no. 16 video1st Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 16
Lesson no. 17 video2nd Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 17
Lesson no. 18 video3rd Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 18
Lesson no. 19 video4th Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 19
Lesson no. 20 video5th Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 1-20
Lesson no. 21 video6th Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 21
Lesson no. 22 video7th Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 22
Lesson no. 23 video8th Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 23
Lesson no. 24 video9th Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 24
Lesson no. 25 video10th Hijri Year Madani PeriodRevision Test no. 25
Lesson no. 26 videoRevision of Madani’s lifeRevision Test no. 26
Lesson no. 27 videoSeerat and HadithRevision Test no. 27
Lesson no. 28 videoBiography and Qur’anRevision Test no. 28
Lesson no. 29 videoOne day with the Prophet ﷺRevision Test no. 29
Lesson no. 30 videoBlessed appearance, morals and qualities of the Prophet ﷺRevision Test no. 30
Lesson no. 31 videoSirat and HadithRevision Test no. 31
Lesson no. 32 videoHistoricism (Proven by History)Revision Test no. 32
Lesson no. 33 videoA model of inclusiveness in every aspect of lifeRevision Test no. 33
Lesson no. 34 videoPerfect character (free from every shortcoming and defect)Revision Test no. 34
Lesson no. 35 videoPractical BiographyRevision Test no. 35
Lesson no. 36 videoThe Household of the ProphetRevision Test no. 36
Lesson no. 37 videoObjections to the marriages of the Messenger of Allah Revision Test no. 37
Lesson no. 38 videoReview of Hazrat Aisha and objections to GhazwatRevision Test no. 38
Lesson no. 39 videoLove for the Messenger of AllahRevision Test no. 39
How to act on biography?Grand Test

سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْھَدُ اَنْ لَّا اِلَہَ اِلَّا اَنْتَ ،نَسْتَغْفِرُکَ وَنَتُوبُ اِلَیْہِ

. اللہ سے دعا ہے کہ ہمیں سیرت النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پڑھنے پڑھانے اور اس پر عمل کرنے اور پھیلانے کی توفیق دے

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