Palkon Say Uthaon UsKo Novel By Riffat Siraj

Palkon Say Uthaon Us Ko Novel
Palkon Say Uthaon Us Ko Novel

Palkon Say Uthaon UsKo Novel

In this post, we will share another novel by well-known writer Riffat Siraj. It is Palkon Say Uthaon UsKo, an episodic social romantic novel published in March 2023 in the Monthly Pakeeza Digest. You can find all of this novel’s episodes on this page.

Information Of Novel 
Novel namePalkon Say Uthaon Us Ko
Writer NameRiffat Siraj
GenreEpisodic, Social Urdu Novel

Palkon Say Uthaon Us Ko revolves around two-faced people in the twenty-first century. In this novel, she highlights some dishonest behavior that exists in our culture and society toward those with low incomes.

This novel is a social novel that addresses social issues that our society is facing in every culture and country. So keep the story untouched Urdu Novels Mag invites you to read the episodes of this novel on this page. Every Month it is updated, and you can find a new episode as early as it is available.

Here we don’t talk about the story of the novel and don’t reveal the suspense and spoil the fun of reading a novel. Hope you enjoy reading this novel on the UrduNovelsMag platform as we gather all novels with hard effort.

Palkon Say Uthaon UsKo Download Links

By clicking the link below, you may download the novel. Every link is
secure and simple to download. We make it simple for readers to download
and read offline for maximum convenience.

Episode No.Novel Link
Episode 2Open
Episode 3Open
Episode 4Open
Episode 5Open
Episode 6Open
Episode 7Open
Episode 8Open
Episode 9Open
Episode 10Open
Episode 11Open
Episode 12Open
Episode 13Open
Episode 14Open
Episode 15Open
Episode 16Open
Episode 17Open
Episode 18Open
Episode 19Open
Episode 20Open
Episode 21Download Pdf
Episode 22Download Pdf
Episode 23Download Pdf
Episode 24Download Pdf New!

The next episode will be updated. Stay connected for more updates!

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We know that Riffat Siraj is a famous Urdu Novel writer, and she always highlights the issues in society with her writing skills. Riffat Siraj started writing at a very young age. Then she wrote in various Monthly digests.

Moreover, she is also a playwright. Her story Dil Diya Dehleez became famous as a novel but also when it was dramatized. She is also known as a good poet. She wins many awards for her contributions.

Urdu Novels Mag promotes new talent. We always encourage new writers. So If you’re a writer and want to promote your novels or books, send them to us. Your written story will be published on our website. We admire and encourage our new writers to showcase their skills. We’ll support you in your efforts and publish your novels on our website.

You can also share this novel on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, or any other media of your choice. You can download episodes every month when it is available on the internet. Also, you can read this novel through Google Drive.

In the end, we like to mention that Urdu Novels Mag urges its readers to acquire licensed books. We’re only providing a link to this novel/book. We do not host this book or post it to any servers. Thank you.

You can find more novels by Riffat Siraj Novels here. There are other famous writers Ana Ilyas Novels, Umera Ahmed NovelsMeerab Hayat Novels, Iffat Sehar Tahir Novel. Click on the link to read novels and download unlimited Pdf. Mann Mayal Novel.

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